
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Poster for the spectacle: SUNDAY MORNINGS: HAKUNA MATATA
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1 h


Hakuna Matata, how wonderful it sounds; Hakuna Matata, it's not just a whim!
Don't worry, until the end of your days! Learn two joyful words - HAKUNA MATATA!
The famous hit from the equally famous movie, not only for children - The Lion King, is the guiding motto of another musical morning for a reason. Don't worry, or as some would say, No worries - it's the best encouragement to enjoy a musical and vocal (Sunday!) relaxation in the company of world hits from well-known children's movies and beyond. It will be funny and witty, sometimes lightly moralizing, and certainly entertaining and stress-relieving - as befits a Sunday morning!
Our theatrical ensemble Kameralni, consisting of: Aleksandra Borkiewicz-Cłapińska, Dagny Konopacka-Maćkowiak, Ewelina Dachowska, Olga Maroszek, Michał Jan Barański, Jan Szurgot, Bartosz Szulc with Marcin Werner on the piano - will certainly provide you with a lot of artistic experiences, because just because the songs are dedicated to children doesn't mean that the slightly older generation won't find something for themselves, thus reminiscing about the beautiful moments of their own lives. Whether it will end with movie hits, you'll find out for yourself, as our Kameralni have many surprising vocal and musical "numbers" up their sleeve, often deviating from the usual patterns. Join us, because a successful morning, especially a Sunday one, is a good start to the day. Let's find out together...

Zone I
40/30 zł

Chamber Ensemble:

Aleksandra Borkiewicz-Cłapińska:
Good Fairy

Dagny Konopacka-Maćkowiak:

Ewelina Dachowska:

Olga Maroszek:

Michał Jan Barański:
Wizard Merlin

Bartosz Szulc:

Jan Szurgot:
Cowboy Woody

Marcin Werner (piano):
Mad Hatter


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