
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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For those of you who won't be able to join us in the audience, we invite you to watch the live stream on the Drzwi do Kultury portal. The broadcast will take place on March 2nd at 6:20 PM.
Works by two magnificent composers in one evening - that's already an exceptional event! Bringing together Maurice Ravel's Bolero with Carl Orff's beloved Carmina Burana in a two-part ballet evening guarantees great emotions. Moreover, being able to "see" these compositions adds to the unforgettable artistic impressions and spiritual experiences.
Choreographers Jacek Przybyłowicz for Bolero and Tamás Juronics for Carmina Burana each translate musical phrases into dance passages in their own way. They both find images drawn from life in both compositions, depicting lively characters with their emotions, dilemmas, and existential struggles - characters so familiar to us because they are very similar to each of us.
This ballet evening is primarily psychologically colorful theater in which movement and dance, although fundamental, are not the only means of expression. But they are certainly the most spectacular!
We wish you a successful artistic experience!
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  • Checking the quality of your internet connection and refreshing the page
  • Trying to open the stream in a different web browser
  • Clearing your browsing history and cookies
  • Opening the stream in incognito mode
  • On the "Door to Culture" portal (at the bottom of the page), there is a link to the "Diagnostics" subsection.

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