
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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data dodania:
Beginnings of the Łódź Opera are dated back to the 18th of October 1954, the date of the first opera production premiere in the city. It was Stanisław Moniuszko’s The Haunted Manor, produced entirely in Łódź. The Łódź Opera was founded by Sabina Nowicka, Mieczysław Drobner and Władysław Raczkowski, who first established an Opera Studio, which later became the first opera theater in Łódź.
The opera performances were at first staged in Teatr Nowy and Stefan Jaracz Theatre. The company managed to create superb modern productions, which were hugely acclaimed by the audience. During its 12-year-long existence the Łódź Opera produced over 30 shows, many of which went down in history of Polish opera.

Teatr Wielki was established in 1967; the Opera was not "homeless" anymore. The artists could finally perform on their own stage and the audience were given a new, proper opera house. It was first managed by Stanisław Piotrowski and Zygmunt Latoszewski. The theater opened, presenting four premieres day after day. They were a huge success and met the audience's and critics' expectations.

Teatr Wielki presented thousands of performances in Poland and abroad and created nearly 300 opera and ballet productions. They were all very popular with the audience, who could admire their favorite performers creating great roles.

Teatr Wielki is, to this day, a place with vast repertoire, where most prominent artists produce their works and outstanding companies perform, continuing the tradition, which started sixty years ago.

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