
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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OPERA AND MORE – Waltzes of Johannes Brahms rediscovered

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Vocal quartets occupy an important place among works of Johannes Brahms. They closely reflect the spirit of the old times, when house concerts (known in Germany as Hausmusik) and group singing were practiced and highly appreciated. On 12 November 2017 great artists of the Lodz Grand Theatre including Patrycja Krzeszowska (soprano), Agnieszka Makówka (mezzosoprano), Dawid Kwieciński (tenor), Patryk Rymanowski (bass) accompanied by piano duo East West Duo (Aleksandra Nawe and Olesya Haiduk) will try to revive the spirit of the old times. We would like to kindly invite you to join us at the Small Stage of the Lodz Grand Theatre during the next Opera and More concert.
OPERA AND MORE – Waltzes of Johannes Brahms rediscovered
12 November 2017, 6:30 pm / BUY TICKET


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