
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Customer Service Office

Monday - Friday,

8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

phone. 42 633 31 86, 42 647 21 22

Ticket Offices 

Monday - Saturday, 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM

On Sundays and holidays (when a performance is scheduled)

3:00 PM to 5:30 PM

phone.: 42 633 77 77, 42 647 21 21

You can buy tickets on-line via the website and via a mobileapp.

Please note that online ticket sales end 60 minutes before the start of the performance.
After this time, if available, tickets can be purchased at the Theater's ticket offices.
Bank account for wire transfers:
Bank Spółdzielczy
w Aleksandrowie Łódzkim oddział w Łodzi
63 8780 0007 0030 3114 1003 0104

Please put your surname or company’s name used for the reservation as well as the date and the title of the performance in the transfer name. If you pay by wire transfer you are required to present the transfer confirmation (printout) before receiving the tickets at the box office.

GIFT CARD of the Lodz Grand Theatre 
Treat yourself and your loved ones to unforgettable moments!




Gift cards, issued to the holder, entitle the holder to exchange them at the Grand Theater's ticket offices in Łódź for admission tickets (in designated zones) to performances and concerts at the Grand Theater in Łódź. Cards are available only at the Theater's Ticket Offices. We encourage you to follow our repertoire.



As part of the Senior Action, seniors with cards: Senior City Card in Łódź, Senior Card in Pabianice, or Senior Card in ZgierzSenior Card of the Łódź Voivodeship, can purchase tickets at discounted prices for performances at the Grand Theater in Łódź. The offer is available only at the Theater's Ticket Offices.


By showing a "blink," you can buy two regular tickets at a discounted price for selected performances at our theater. The offer does not apply to premieres, special shows, and guest events. To take advantage of the discount, you must show the "blink" at the ticket office along with the proof of purchase, which includes the ticket validity date.

Information on ticket prices for large families, introduced by the price list dated September 16, 2013.
A 50% discount on the normal ticket value applies to the program of the Łódź Voivodeship Council supporting large families. The right to a discount is held by owners of the "Voivodeship Card for Large Families."

This discount does not apply to premieres, guest performances, and foreign events organized at the Grand Theater in Łódź. The Theater's Ticket Office is obliged to record the card numbers on the basis of which tickets with a discount are purchased.

Closer to the Grand Theater Action
Includes all schools that sign up for the action by October 15, 2023.

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