
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Recently, with great sorrow and sadness, we bid farewell to Delfina Ambroziak - one of the brightest stars of the Łódź Opera and the Grand Theatre in Łódź, an undisputed mistress of the opera stage who, over several decades, created an entire collection of soprano opera heroines. Each of them, under Maestra's interpretation, met with great success with the adoring audience, impressed music critics, and gave competitors a reason to intensify their work on every opera or operetta role they prepared. The memory of Maestra will also accompany us on April 7, 2024, when in a concert dedicated to her - In memoriam - we will recall the greatest creations of the Artist.
Such an evening does not allow us to forget about all the other outstanding artists of our stage who, throughout the entire existence of the Łódź Opera and the Grand Theatre, delighted us with their talent and artistic commitment, building the artistic image, rank, and renown of our stage. We also owe to them the fact that despite many opportunities and possibilities to continue their artistic careers outside of Łódź, they remained faithful to it, providing the Łódź audience with opportunities to experience high-quality art, and to us - the theatre staff - the opportunity to interact with great artistic personalities.
Our theatrical photo gallery in the main foyer, where it is worth stopping, is only fragments of what is such a magnificent history of the Theatre and a humble token of respect for those who have created and continue to create it with their talent.
Today, in this period of reflection, before the Easter holidays, we remember all those who have passed away but will always be among us. Let us once again remember the younger and older colleagues who are no longer with us...

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